Bonavista talks with… Agnés Blanch, interior designer

In 1999, architect Elena Vilá and interior designer Agnés Blanch decide to join their talents to found an interior design studio in Barcelona; that was how vilablanch came into being. With rehabilitation projects very respectful with the history of the buildings and at the same time very contemporary, vilablanch is behind the interior design of Casa Burés and Girona 2. Two flagship projects of Bonavista Developments.

About your work…

Agnés Blanch

What do you consider to be the most important quality in an interior space?

Ironically that it doesn’t stand out; that the project doesn’t have a desire for prominence.

Which architect and interior designer do you admire the most and why?

An architect from Barcelona, José Antonio Coderch. Two interior design professionals I love are the Italian-Brazilian architect Lina Bo Bardi and the French architect Charlotte Perriand. They work wonders with interior spaces, with furniture, and contribute to creating better spaces. Their color contributions are unparalleled.

Which interior design project are you most proud of?

The Casa Burés project we did with Bonavista Developments. It was a major effort and the final result is very beautiful.

Your greatest source of inspiration.

Undoubtedly, when spaces of peace and visual beauty come together.

Your favorite iconic lamp.

The Parentesi lamp by Flos, born from the collaboration of the Italian designers Achille Castiglioni and Pio Manzu in 1971. It is present in many of our projects. Also the Coderch lamp.

What importance do you give to sustainability in your projects?

It is an inseparable element of all our projects; it is part of their essence. We are dedicated to rehabilitate, restore and beautify existing spaces from their own materials. We do not destroy in order to recreate. There is nothing more sustainable than that.

What aspect of your personality do you think most influences your work?

I am a mixture of a very demanding and messy person at the same time. The messiness generates in me a quest for perfection; trying to make everything flawless.

What is your favorite space in your own home?

Clearly my terrace at sunset.

About Barcelona…

What is your favorite restaurant in Barcelona and what dish would you recommend?

I really like Japanese food, so Dos Palillos restaurant.

A place to walk around and find inspiration.

I love to walk in the afternoon with my dog Coco. It’s the most relaxing time of the day.

What corner of Barcelona do you consider to be a hidden treasure?

Although it may seem an easy answer… the modernist buildings, with their ceramics, their curves, their Noia pavements. They never cease to amaze me and I like them more and more every day.

Which museum or art gallery in Barcelona inspires you the most?

The Miró Foundation, a wonderful building by Sert and of course Caixa Forum.

Where do you usually go when you need a break and disconnect from work?

Without a doubt, my home. It’s tailor-made for me and responds to what I like and need.

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